Tuesday, October 30, 2007

*tap, tap* Is This Thing On?

Wow, haven't posted in nearly 2 months. I'm not sure anyone is still checking this, figuring I died or something, but ...

Let's see, what's happened the last couple of months? Well, got a pool (also known as the money pit), swam once for 30 minutes and got pneumonia. Yeah, that's right. The money pit pool caused my pneumonia (at least in my mind - here's hoping I get over that). I swam for 30 minutes on a Friday night and noticed I couldn't catch my breath. I didn't think much of it 'cause 1) I'm horridly out of shape and 2) It was damn cold. Next day, I do absolutely nothing. Seriously. Sat on a chair and felt miserable. By Sunday, I was measuring temperatures of 105 and figured it might be time to see the doctor. Monday, go to a doctor whom I will never visit again, and he says don't worry about it, there's some bug going around, I should be fine by Wednesday. Oh, and did I mention that he didn't think a 105 degree fever was worth medicine? Anyway, vegged out on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, still felt like crap. Got the hubby (who, did I mention also managed to get pneumonia) to take me for a chest x-ray (which I discovered is pretty useless with pneumonia 'cause it doesn't show up right away). Anyway, since the x-ray is clear, I'm figuring I should go back to work. Never mind I still feel like crap, hey, I've already wasted 3 vacation days and since the doctor said I should be feeling better, I should be feeling better, dammit. I lasted, oh about 3 hours on Thursday at work (pity anyone who got anything I did that morning) until I had to call hubby to take me home. Went to the doctor again on Friday (this time a different doc). Hey, guess what? Pneumonia. At least I finally go antibiotics. I went to work the next week, was only valuable for about half a day, but at least I didn't waste any more vacation. Last week was pretty much the same. It's only this week that I'm able to be coherent all day long. Fun stuff, eh?