Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Winning the Lottery ...

No, I haven't. I've purchased a few tickets and matched a whopping one (count'em one) number once. And yeah, with the lottery around $260 million, I played again. I guess I play once in awhile so I can play the "What if" game - you know, "What if I really did win?" (and before you worry about my sanity, no, I'm not counting on winning.)

Anyway, I was just tossing the idea around in my head. What would you do if money was no object? What if you didn't have to work? What if you could spend as much as you want on whatever you want? How would your life change?

The interesting thing to me is that I don't think my wants are all that outrageous. I'd like to start a small bookstore. I'd love to get name authors in my area so kids could see there are real people behind the books they love. Maybe get one of them to do a writing seminar for tweens and teens. I really do love books and would love to spend the rest of my life around them.

As for anything else? I'm actually pretty happy with the way things are. Sure, it would be nice to not worry about losing my job or how to pay for the kids' schooling (or ok, do a bit more traveling), but on the whole, I'm really just looking to maintain the way things are. Oh, and maybe start an awesome small bookstore that focuses on teens and tweens.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Can I just tell you how many times I've done this "What if" game in my head?!? Lots of ideas. Lots of things to do. Lots of things to buy. Lots of experiences to have. Kinda sad that we feel we have to have money to do some things, huh?

I like your ideas. Your wish to have an awesome small bookstore focusing on teens and tweens is perfect for you! I think you'd be great at it.

I don't have any outrageous wants either. Sounds like this is another idea for a personal blog post. I'm going to think about it a bit and then post my "What if's"... =)