Friday, May 07, 2010

Shall We Dance ...1-2-3

My older daughter has been going through the trials and tribulations of ballroom dancing in gym class recently. Initially, when I asked her about it, it sounded like things were going great - she seemed to enjoy it and had no problems finding a partner because she took it somewhat seriously, unlike a bunch of the girls who just giggled when they had to it.

I found out today that they are having their test soon, and she's really concerned. Seems as though she's been having trouble finding a partner lately. When I asked what happened, she hemmed and hawed around until she finally admitted it was because she had a nasty habit of leading. Apparently, if the boy is shorter than her (which most of them are - she's 11 and already over 5 ft tall), he takes too small steps which annoys her. The ones that are taller aren't very coordinated and tend to lead her into the bleachers, so she got sick of it and started leading. I have to laugh because she is totally my daughter in this regard. I don't really dance, but letting someone else take the lead because that's what you are supposed to do wouldn't sit well with me either.

The most amusing (to me at least) reason for her taking the lead - she was bored. She finally found one guy who was about her height and not a bad dancer, but she got tired of him leading so she took over. Apparently, they decided to share taking the lead. Now she's worried about what kind of score she'll get on the test - particularly if she starts to lead. Hee. (I know, I know, I'm finding this waaaay too amusing.)

1 comment:

Jynx said...

LOL!!! Okay, this is cracking me up! I always liked the idea of ballroom dancing in gym until we actually had to do it and then it wasn't so fun for me either - for various reasons. Maybe if I had decided to take over and lead, it would have been better!?! =P~

Anywhoo, I love hearing kid stories. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for her that she gets a good grade despite taking the lead! =)