Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wowsy, Wowsy Woo Woo

Ever have one of those days ...er..months...er...you know what I mean. Been feeling really down lately. It's kind of a bummer because things aren't going poorly, just feeling kind of useless, if you know what I mean. It'll pass, it always does, but I have to admit I'm getting sick of feeling like this. Part of it is the job. I mean, yay, I still have one, but talk about feeling worthless. I'd really like to know when making someone feel totally useless because the new black for management. I'm thinking it's not a good sign when your career ambition is retirement.

The family is good. Book Expo is this month. Just want time to move on so I can get out this funk.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Oh yeah... I've TOTALLY had one of those days-weeks-months-YEARS even! =( I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I really think you need to make time to go biking. You love it, it is good exercise and now that the weather is better, you can totally get out there and ride - even if it's only on Saturdays or Sundays for an hour while the hubby is with the girls! I'm thinking you need something new and interesting to add in there. And clearly, your job doesn't hold the interest or excitement to keep you wanting more from it. (Totally understandable, btw.)

Glad to hear the family is good. And I've never been to the Book Expo here but have always wanted to go. You'll have to come back here and report once you've gone! =)

Have a great weekend... here's hoping that funk lifts soon!