Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Glee - I think I'm in love ...

I think I finally found the long awaited replacement for Buffy for my TV love. Glee is the most superfantabulous show ever. I have to admit, at first I was skeptical. Mainly because 1. It's on Fox; 2. It was hyped like crazy; 3. They were using American Idol to pimp the show. And really, a one-hour comedy about a Glee club? Really? I am happy to report I could not have been more wrong. Of course, being a theatre geek, the fact they were pulling in a bunch of Broadway performers was a great choice. Lea Michele literally hits you in the face with her talent - she reminds me of a young Idina Menzel. But what was even better was the writing. The character is the best high school bitch since Tracy Flick from Election. I loved her background story about her two dads. The rest of the casting is just as pitch-perfect (if you'll pardon the pun). Janet Lynch as the cheerleading coach is awesome. And it was fun spotting the ex-Heroes starts (I think I counted three). Do yourself a favor - watch this show. It's funny with a wicked (or should I say Wicked) twist.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Interesting... see, I heard about it briefly when they were hyping it up as the lead-into (or was that follow-up) of IDOL. And for some reason, I immediately resented it, so I didn't watch. (Mostly because I'm upset with FOX over some decisions they've been making lately.) Anywhoo... after reading your review, I'm thinking I'll have to give it a try. =)