For some reason, I've been thinking a lot about junk mail recently. I'm talking about the mailbox credit card offers and the e-mail varieties. For awhile, it looked like the credit card companies had given up on the direct mailing thing and my contributions to the landfills dropped precipitously. Then as the economy started to flail, they decided what was really needed was people with credit cards they couldn't pay off. Guess they had already talked every they could into buying houses they couldn't afford so it was back to the smaller debt stuff. What really bugs me is when they include those silly arse cash advance checks, already filled out for your convenience (or more likely, the convenience of a dumpster diving thief, but I digress). Leave me alone. You don't want me as a customer - I never pay finance charges. But still everybody wants me to experience the "prestige" of being a purple card level holder (or some other such rot).
Only slightly more annoying are the junk e-mails. They used to be even more painful until our company got better filtering softward. Then it died down for a few months. Now they've discovered that putting "Viagra" in your subject line isn't the greatest idea so they put in question marks. I do a lot of business with Asia companies - the translation packages don't work really well, and sometimes their e-mails come across with question marks in the title. Which means, I gotta look at these pieces of tripe. What's even more insulting is how stupid they think people are. Um, yeah, I'm going to click on an unknown link to G-d knows where. Sure, why not? At least be original people.
Just seems like there are too many people out there willing to waste my time. Grr. Argh.
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1 comment:
*Snerk* Man did that hit home and I TOTALLY can relate to what you're saying.
I'm not a great recycler - would like to do better - but those mass mailings of JUNK give me the big time guilts because I can't keep up with them and they all end up in the same trash... taking up space and creating larger landfills. I curse them every day when I go to my mailbox. I've even tried to "return to sender" a number of them, and yet, they still come back. *sigh*
The e-mails are a whole 'nother thing. I don't necessarily have the issue at work, but I have it at my personal addy. I've started marking everything that comes in from people I don't know as "spam" without even opening the silly thing. This has helped some.
Funny post... I missed seeing your daily thingees. I hope you feel like writing more again for a while... =)
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