Monday, September 12, 2005

Weird Story Idea #407

Crazy thoughts keep running through my head. I'm going to try and ignore the big purple elephant tap-dancing in the corner (i.e. my job) and concentrate on what I WANT to do. Right now, I've been rolling around a story idea in my head for the last couple of days. I may even be forced to do something about it. It's set in alternate universe (kind of a fantasy thing that is very similar to our earth). People are pretty much apathetic like here. There is a "cult" called the Brotherhood of the One Horn, who believes their world was created by being vomited out of a cornucopia type of horn. Silly, right? Well, the community as a whole kind of ignores them, thinking they're basically harmless and they tend to do a lot of good deeds. They ignore it when this cult takes over the government of a small town, then a larger city, then the state and start spreading like a disease until no one is powerful enough to stop them. They control everything. They mandate that life be lived according to their rather strict code of ethics. They have "truth-tellers" who's job it is to make sure that people "think" the right way. They are graded on how many people they send to reorientation plants. Science is forbidden, except to support the cornucopia creationist ideology. Anyway, the main character is a scientist who is working with them to find the "Cave of the Oracle" - a key component of their mythology that is the location where "God" talks directly to His people. It is supposed to be a physical place. The scientist is actually trying to use their money to prove their mythology is a bunch of hooey. But then, he actually discovers the Cave. He takes the leaders there. They find out that while the mythology is correct and true, the way they have perverted the faith so infuriates their Creator that he wipes them out and decides to start over again, this time starting with monkeys. He always liked monkeys, cute furry things that they are ...

So ... whaddaya think? (And yes, I did think of this while sitting in church, why do you ask?)


Jynx said...

I like it... interesting... with lots of possibilities.

Some of the concepts remind me of False Face (that is the name, right?)... I think you should pursue it! =)

RedZone said...

OOH!! OOH! write it write it write it!

Jynx said...