Wednesday, September 28, 2005

But what about MY needs?

Just got a free gift card from Blockbuster for $15, mainly because I obsessively check my e-mail (it was the free gift from EW for being one of the first 15 people to respond to their e-mail). I usually don't go to Blockbuster - when we rent, we use Netflix because me and remembering to return things is not a good mix (not to mention the fact that the selection at the local Blockbuster sucks). When I buy DVD's, I either go to Costco or buy online from DeepDiscountDVD because, well, I'm cheap. So now I have this found money, burning a hole in my pocket. What should I do with it? I guess the smart thing would be to buy Robots or some kids movie for the girls - even if Blockbuster is overpriced, the $15 off would make it cheaper than buying it somewhere else. But ... but... [enter whine here] What about MY needs?

I hate to admit that I'm rather addicted to buying DVDs, so much so that I swore, as G-d is my witness, that I will never buy DVD TV series again (until, of course, I finish my current batch). My current batch is ... well... rather extensive. I have packages that haven't even been taken out of the plastic wrap. In fact, I just bought Millenium Season 1 and Battlestar Galactica Season 1 this past weekend (yeah, I know, I'm a geek). So the decision should be easy, right? Right? But...but... there's still Wonderfalls ... and ... and...Desperate Housewives (OK, I didn't watch it when it was on TV, but I heard it was good) ... and Lost .... and... and. Yes, I know, I need help. But what if I bought a movie I've always wanted like Run, Lola, Run? That would make it like a free movie (of course, the chances of my local Blockbuster carrying it? About the same as SMG begging to do a Buffy movie.). *sigh* I'm such an addict. I know what I should do, but I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it. I really need to exercise more (brief explanation - I only watch DVD's while exercising, so the more I exercise, the more I watch. The more I watch, the more I can buy. Yes, it's convoluted).

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