Thursday, July 21, 2005

Tolerance vs. Opinion

Yeah, I'm back. Let the rejoicing begin.

Anyway, going to get a bit serious here. I know, me? Go figure. I've just read something on a posting board where the person was pontificating about how tolerant they were and how they hated intolerance more than anything in the world ...blah, blah, blah, woof, woof, woof. In fact, they were so tolerant, I wouldn't have been surprised to see their brain dribble out their ear. Apparently, to be tolerant in this person's world view, you cannot judge or have an opinion on anything - that's intolerant. How hypocritical. So if your world view/faith view/whatever says that something is wrong, being consistent with that view is intolerant. I don't think so, Tim. H

Having an opinion is not the same as intolerance. Intolerance, to me, is going out and making sure anything that disagrees with your world view is destroyed. I don't like books about aliens, so I burn all the books about aliens. I don't like songs about drinking and bad love affairs, so I destroy every country album ever made. I don't like homosexuals, so I beat the crap out of them and make sure they know I think they are scum. That's intolerance. However, to say that I find books about witchcraft offensive or against my faith so I personally will not read them is not. That is an opinion. Saying that I am personally offended by songs with the word fuck every other lyric so I won't listen to it is not. Heck, even saying I don't want my kids to listen to them is not - that's just good parenting. Likewise, saying that in my faith, homosexuality is a sin and when asked, I will express this view is not intolerant so long as it doesn't change how you treat the person (hate the sin, love the sinner as they say). I get so tired of folks attacking primarily people of the Christian faith as intolerant when all they are doing is being consistent. Making a judgment based on your beliefs is not intolerant.

For the record, I am a fundamentalist Christian who is also socially VERY liberal. I have not yet made a personal decision on homosexuality for a number of reason I won't go into here. However, I cannot condemn anyone else for reaching a different opinion. So long as they treat people with the respect due any creation of God, I'm fine with whatever opinion you want to hold.


Jynx said...

Good comments... I know where this is coming from and can respect your thoughts.

Honestly, I get caught up in the symmantics involved with both of those words and somehow, always lose sight of what they really mean. This is a great reminder!

RedZone said...

dude, well said. it's totally ok to disagree with something- you just have to live and let live in that situation. *fist pound of solidarity*

hftr said...

*snerk* Aren't we just so liberal, eh? (Don't hit me, Jynx.)

RedZone said...

i'm exceedingly liberal- i'm mostly just intolerant of stupid people. i think that's perfectly acceptable, though, cuz they exist in every demographic!

Jynx said...


Sorry... not sure what happened there... I just felt like channeling Troll for a sec! =P~