Tuesday, June 28, 2005


So much of life seems to be choices but so many people seem to abdicate responsibility. We act as though external forces have more control over what we do and what we are than we could ever have. And yet, it really does boil down to choices. Don't like your job? What's keeping you from choosing to change it? Money? Then your choice is money. Not that that's bad. But understand that you do make the choice. It isn't forced on you no matter how much you want to believe it is. Feel like you aren't getting anything done, that you are just treading water? It is because you choose to. Hard sentiments, I know. I don't want to face them any more than anyone else does.

When I was in high school, I had/got to prepare a speech to try to become a commencement speaker. My topic was the fear inherent in being nobody but yourself. Needless to say, I didn't get selected. But as I type this, I realize the issues I raised almost 20 years ago are still relevant to me today. Whoever I am, I chose to be this way - whether by active choice or passive neglect. Whether I am happy or unhappy with who I am, I am exactly who I choose to be. The only question is whether or not I really want to be who I am. And I do .... with some alterations. But that's ok. That's a choice too.


Jynx said...

I hear you about choosing to be who we are. I hate that... because it doesn't give us ANY "outs", but it's true nonetheless. =P~

So, when do you go on vacay?

hftr said...

I leave on Thursday. I'm really ready for it this year.

Jynx said...

That's awesome... how long is the cruise?

Do take pictures and make notes so we can live vicariously through you!!! =)

hftr said...

7 days on the boat, the rest of it on land. And no cell phones (I think).

RedZone said...

OH do me a huge favor that will no doubt entertain all around you? if you could work in any phrase from the movie "pirates of the caribbean" during this cruise, to anyone, about anything, i would be indebted to you for making my day. thanks. :D

Izza said...

Have fun on your cruise!!!

I have found that once I accepted that my life has been made up of a series of choices, I'm much happier. I just needed to accept the repsonsibility and be happy with where I am and know that it's my choice whether I stay here or not.