Thursday, June 23, 2005

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

As you may have noticed, I have a real love-hate thing going on with my job. (I know, who'da thunk it?) I ended up in the position that I am in because my mother wouldn't send me to college for what I wanted to take (English, believe it or not), and it seemed like a cheap, painless way to make money (meaning I could make a good living without going on for an advanced degree - yes, I am that lazy). And while the money part has turned out ok, I guess I never realized how annoying it could be to do something you couldn't care less about day after day after day after ...

So anyway, it got me thinking, if I could start over again, what would I do for a living? I'm not talking about becoming a ballerina or middle linebacker for the Steelers. I'm talking honest-to-goodness-in-the-realm-of-possibilities job. Truth be told, I'd rather go with independently wealthy and travel the world, but I'm guessing that might not be too realistic either. So if I could have my dream job, what would it be? I could only come up with two - English professor at a small, state college (less publish-or-perish pressures) or archeologist. Neither is likely to happen, mind you, but it's nice to know there is something out there that I think I could enjoy doing. Meanwhile, I continue to slog away. Hey, 20 more years and I'm outta here.


Jynx said...

I think a lot of us have this dilemma... I almost wrote about this today too. But, well, I have a gazillion thoughts on various things so I haven't written yet.

As for your musings: I would LOVE to be independently wealthy and travel the world. How amazing would THAT be??? And I like your choices. I still don't know what mine would be yet, but I'm pondering.

In the meantime, you really should consider the career change. It may add to your quality of life and you may just find something you want to do forever... until you die or retire - whichever comes first! =P~

RedZone said...

judging by the quality of some english professors i've heard about, i'm sure you'd be welcomed. i mean, that whole murdering coworkers urge would probably have to be a bit more discreet, but other than that...;)

hftr said...

There's also the time thing ... and the money thing ... and ... well, let's just say none of this is terribly realistic, but still.

And the not being able to be vocal about my violent tendencies would be a bit of a drawback. ;)

RedZone said...

well, if you choose the right school, they might just see it as one of your charmingly odd eccentricities. which i'm not sure is a word, but whatever.