Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What the Hell Is An Ostrich Doing On Ice Skates?

OK, this is my second attempt at a blog. First one fizzled out when I realized it would depress even the Teletubbies. So why start again? Beats me ... peer pressure? Sure, that's as good a reason as any. And yes, I would jump off the bridge .... why do you ask?

*ahem* So what exactly does an ostrich on ice skates have to do with any of this? Not much. It just seemed like the worst possible thing for an ostrich to try (well, actually, water skiing is probably worse, but that's just cruel). And that seemed somehow appropriate for me. Suffice to say I sometimes (well, a lot of the times) make truly bizarre choices. And what makes it even more bizarre is that I know they are bizarre, even before I make them. Does that stop me? Heavens no! Why should it?

So if you're interesting in the neurotic ramblings of an ostrich on ice skates, you've come to the right place. If nothing else, you should have a fun time pointing and laughing.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

EXCELLENT!!! And, if it's anything, I'm definitely interested in the neurotic ramblings of an ostrich on ice skates! Nice starter, btw! =)