Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'ma gonna kick your skeletal arse ...

all the way down to the donut shop and force-feed you jelly-filled, powdered sugar donuts. Ever feel like you'd be doing Hollywood a favor if you did that to about half the actresses out there? Why do fairly attractive women think looking skeletal and haggard makes them oh-so-much-more attractive? What ever happened to athletic, or G-d forbid, voluptuous? Why has our weight obsesses society convinced these women to starve themselves? Don't know what I'm talking about? See whatserface Lohan. See Lori Loughlin (I remember her from the Edge of Night - shut up, I know I'm dating myself - and she used to be really pretty. Now she looks like someone stretched her skin too tight over a bag of bones). Who on G-d's green earth finds this attractive? What is so sexy about a twig with water balloons strapped on the front?


Jynx said...

LMAO!!! Okay, hilarious commentary on our society!!! I have to agree.

That whole Lindsay Lohan thing is getting to me too... I liked her MUCH better when she was still a REDHEAD, still had curves and looked healthy.

Icky sidenote: the word in retail - where my roommate works - is that she was caught in a dressing room completely nekkid - snorting coke. Since she is looking very similar to what Whitney Houston has been looking like for the past several years (all freaky, scary, skinny and stuff), it's no big surprise!!! =s

hftr said...

I just want to know how our societal view of beauty got so screwed up.

Jynx said...

Ugh... your question is definitely a good one... I'd like to know too!!!

As far as I can trace it, it happened sometime after Marilyn Monroe. I mean, she wasn't a twig of a girl and she was America's pin-up gal.


RedZone said...

man, marilyn monroe rocked. i don't understand this trend either. unfortunately, it's perpetuated somehow, and we end up with women in situations like that. how lame is that?