Monday, June 27, 2005

Hersheypark Happy Post Age 40

OK, so we took the girls and a friend to Hersheypark yesterday. Remember when you first started going to amusement parks, how every ride was so exciting and the only thing you could say is, "Let's do it again!!"? Somewhere along the road to "growing up", you lose that gene. You also lose the gene that says spinning around in a circle repeatedly is not nauseating, but fun. And the one that says walking around in wet clothes all day is fun. And the one that appreciates eating tons of junk food with no ill effect. It was actually a lot more fun than I'm letting on, but I do have to admit that roller coaster after roller coaster has lost its appeal. The biggest problem is the morning after. After walking around all day, carrying/giving piggy-back rides to all the kids, I ache. A lot. I want to not move today. Not going to happen. What happened to the days when I could bounce back up and do it all again the next day?

A side note: I am so not a girl. Had my hair cut and colored this weekend. Feeling a lot like the long lost Beatle - It's too dark and a bit mullet-y for my taste. Just in time for vacation. Fun. Fun.


Jynx said...

Sounds like a great weekend... despite being an "adult". =s =P

I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to take a trip to Hershey's... well, I was thinking of the chocolate factory, but the park would work too!

I hate how when we get older, all of those things bother us... especially the spinning causes nausea thing. I never thought it would happen to me... sadly, it has.

I'm curious to see your new hairdo. Any chance you'll post a pic at St. C's - or here even - for us? Just curious.

Hang in there... if you're lucky, you'll be stuck at your desk all day and won't be required to move... *hug*

hftr said...

Hmmm, maybe a vacation shot. *sigh* That's the big problem - normally, I don't really worry about how I look (not like I have to look at me), but vacation = pictures. I'll see what I can do.

And so far, the day has been vewy, vewy quiet. *crosses fingers*

Jynx said...

Yay for the pictures AND the quiet front... *crosses fingers* =)

RedZone said...

i don't think i've lost those genes yet. still sounds like a lot of fun! and i agree, might need to see a pic of this mullet-y hair you claim to have. promise i'll be nice??

hftr said...

Uh-huh. Pointing and mocking aside, right?

RedZone said...

hey, i'm typing! that means i can point and laugh in private and edit that all out of this. :D