As the Pirates start their summer swoon a couple of months early, I figured I should check in with an update (once a year, whether you read it or not, that's my motto).
Went through a bit of a swoon myself - Life, ya know - but I think I'm back. I've been really able to stand back and appreciate more of what I have lately. Is that maturity? Actually, life hasn't been half bad, and once I realized I was getting depressed worrying about what might happen rather than what was happening, it was easy to pull back to solid ground. Oh, I still have my fits and starts, but I'm trying more to logic myself out of it. Bottom line is that life is pretty good.
So, anyway, went to Ireland last year. And being the brilliant people we are, we managed to be in Northern Ireland on Marching Day. In Befast. And because I had "prepaid" for a tour of the city, doggone it, we were going in no matter what. Yes, I know, my logic is not like your earth logic. Actually, it was pretty interesting. We parked under a shopping mall - we were the ONLY car in the lot. All the stores were closed until noon, and I think I finally understand what the word Chave means.
We also made it to Giant's Causeway, which was amazing. Actually, the whole place was so beautiful and full of history. We drove all around the country, North and South. The landscape, the ancient monuments, everything was quite stunning. The only two changes I would make are 1 - leave the GPS at home and 2 - not stayed out until the sun went down (we were exhausted by the time we got home). Here's a picture for Jynx of the Giant's Causeway.
So, that was last summer. More recently, I have discovered the joys of preteen angst and the absolute necessity of shopping at Aeropostale. At least the clothes aren't poorly made, and our school dress code prevents the purchase of the more ..um..decorated clothing (i.e. the stuff with their name plastered all over it). This may be one of those "Thank G-d I'm Old" moments. I do think I have the energy to keep up with what's in and what's out anymore.
I'm watching and enjoying the new Doctor - of course, after the specials that passed for season 4 anything would be an improvement. Loving Supernatural and Fringe. Impatient with Lost. Falling out of love with Glee. Book-wise, I'm reading Lit, which is surprisingly open and refreshing for an autobiography. I've made a deal with myself that I can only buy one book for every book that I read that we already have. It's harder than it sounds. Same with DVDs. Aren't I turning responsible in my old age?
YAY! I'm so glad you're back... and what a way to get back into it! (I love seeing new posts.) It sounds like you have had some reflection and are satisfied with life now. I'm thinking you even sound... HAPPY. =) Nice!
The Ireland retelling is great. One day I'm going to Ireland. I have to save my pennies first, but I'm hoping to see many of the things you saw. And THANKS for posting the pic - with an SO. It looks much sunnier than I expected!
I can't believe you're already delving into the great pre-teen era. So many fun things to come!
And while I can't say I've joined you yet on the Glee front, I like the book rule! =)
I'm so glad you made it over here - I figured you'd given up on me ever updating. I'll have to see if I can do more than fits and starts this time.
Psh... I actually come by here at least every other day. It's just nice to have more to read now! =) Keep up the great work!!!
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