Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

You ever notice that the older you get, the busier your life gets? When I was single, I always thought I had so much to do, then I got married and wondered what I did with all my time. Then I had kids, and wondered why I ever thought life without kids was busy. Anyway, I guess your activity level tends to expand to the amount of time you have available. It just seems like time has been getting away from me more lately. And half the stuff I'm doing isn't even related to me - it's take the kids to soccer, wait for them after basketball, make sure they make it to play practice. Honestly, I don't know how my mom ever did it by herself. And trying to fit exercise in on top of all that? Not to mention the latest episode of Lost (anyone else getting an uncomfortable, final episode of BSG vibe from Lost this year)? Reminds me of a phrase from college - the tyranny of the urgent. I guess the big thing is to concentrate on one activity at a time, but boy am I tired. (oh, and under all that hair is my daughter ... somewhere)

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Time is a funny thing... and it really is true, "the older you get, the faster it goes". I hate that.

I was talking with someone the other day about the "busy" topic. I know what my schedule is like and I often say that I just don't have time for extra things because I'm "too busy". But then I see my friends who are married, with kids (who also work and do many of the things I do) and it makes me feel guilty just PONDERING everything they do because I don't get anywhere close.

Hang in there with the time thing. In a decade from now, your girls will be doing their own thing and you won't be running around HALF as much. And then you'll be wondering what you should do with the "spare" time. =)