I've been a Steeler fan all my life - has a lot to do with growing up in Pittsburgh during the 70's. I've lived through the post-Bradshaw years, watching Mark Malone, Cliff Stoudt, Mike Tomczak, Kordell Stewart, Neil O'Donnell and a parade of not-very-good quarterbacks lead the team. As a Steeler fan, it was a breath of fresh air when Ben came to Pittsburgh - finally, we had a franchise quarterback all our own! When he went undefeated in his first year, it seemed that the sky was the limit for the Steelers and Big Ben. Then, some crack started to show. Small at first (Of the "Oh, I played with broken toes, that's why I sucked in the playoffs" variety), then bigger (riding a motorcycle with no permit and not helmet - really, Ben?), and then ... well, unless you are living in a cave, I don't think you can have missed Ben's latest problems. Even if Ben has only done what both sides admit to (giving alcohol to an already inebriated 20-yr old and separating her from her friends), he's a jerk. And that is the best you can say about it. At worst ....
As an aside - one thing I find interesting about the situation is the differing views of men and women looking at the situation. Let me just say that being a college age woman and going out bar-hopping with your friends does not make you a slut. You'd be hard-pressed to find many women who didn't do something similar in college. And that's what upsets me the most - look, I've been there. I've overindulged and depended on friends to get me home safely. The fact that he took that away from her is reprehensible.
So where does that leave me as a Steeler fan? Doesn't look like they are going to trade him, so what now? I know that I will find it hard to root for my team with Ben as quarterback. I MIGHT even be tempted to root against them. But part of me wonders how much outrage the good people of Pittsburgh will have if Ben comes back and leads them to another SuperBowl. How "forgiving" are we ... so long as he wins?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Guilty Pleasures?
Last night as I was trolling around the internet, I found an article that talked about Romance Novels as a "Guilty Pleasure." Now, I'm not a romance fan myself, but I have friends who are who have a mighty big chip on their shoulders about romance novels being considered somehow a lesser form of writing. I thought they were being hypersensitive, but when you see a headline telling you something you love is a guilty pleasure, it made me think they have a point. I'm coming to hate the term "guilty pleasure" - unless it's illegal or hurts someone else, why should anything that causes you joy make you feel guilty? Because someone else pooh-poohs it? So what. Who gave them the right to decide what you enjoy and what you don't like? It's implied in the title that you are somehow better than the thing you like - but who's the arbiter of taste? I guess when I think about it, it annoys me to think that anyone has the right to tell you what you should enjoy. Heck, I thought we left that behind in high school. Go ahead and like comic books if you like comic books. Go ahead and like horror or romance or anything else that someone tries to imply is inferior. Let them spend their time deciding what's "cool", I'd rather spend my time with my "guilty pleasures."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy

You ever notice that the older you get, the busier your life gets? When I was single, I always thought I had so much to do, then I got married and wondered what I did with all my time. Then I had kids, and wondered why I ever thought life without kids was busy. Anyway, I guess your activity level tends to expand to the amount of time you have available. It just seems like time has been getting away from me more lately. And half the stuff I'm doing isn't even related to me - it's take the kids to soccer, wait for them after basketball, make sure they make it to play practice. Honestly, I don't know how my mom ever did it by herself. And trying to fit exercise in on top of all that? Not to mention the latest episode of Lost (anyone else getting an uncomfortable, final episode of BSG vibe from Lost this year)? Reminds me of a phrase from college - the tyranny of the urgent. I guess the big thing is to concentrate on one activity at a time, but boy am I tired. (oh, and under all that hair is my daughter ... somewhere)
Monday, April 26, 2010
I'm Baaaaack ....

As the Pirates start their summer swoon a couple of months early, I figured I should check in with an update (once a year, whether you read it or not, that's my motto).
Went through a bit of a swoon myself - Life, ya know - but I think I'm back. I've been really able to stand back and appreciate more of what I have lately. Is that maturity? Actually, life hasn't been half bad, and once I realized I was getting depressed worrying about what might happen rather than what was happening, it was easy to pull back to solid ground. Oh, I still have my fits and starts, but I'm trying more to logic myself out of it. Bottom line is that life is pretty good.
So, anyway, went to Ireland last year. And being the brilliant people we are, we managed to be in Northern Ireland on Marching Day. In Befast. And because I had "prepaid" for a tour of the city, doggone it, we were going in no matter what. Yes, I know, my logic is not like your earth logic. Actually, it was pretty interesting. We parked under a shopping mall - we were the ONLY car in the lot. All the stores were closed until noon, and I think I finally understand what the word Chave means.
We also made it to Giant's Causeway, which was amazing. Actually, the whole place was so beautiful and full of history. We drove all around the country, North and South. The landscape, the ancient monuments, everything was quite stunning. The only two changes I would make are 1 - leave the GPS at home and 2 - not stayed out until the sun went down (we were exhausted by the time we got home). Here's a picture for Jynx of the Giant's Causeway.
So, that was last summer. More recently, I have discovered the joys of preteen angst and the absolute necessity of shopping at Aeropostale. At least the clothes aren't poorly made, and our school dress code prevents the purchase of the more ..um..decorated clothing (i.e. the stuff with their name plastered all over it). This may be one of those "Thank G-d I'm Old" moments. I do think I have the energy to keep up with what's in and what's out anymore.
I'm watching and enjoying the new Doctor - of course, after the specials that passed for season 4 anything would be an improvement. Loving Supernatural and Fringe. Impatient with Lost. Falling out of love with Glee. Book-wise, I'm reading Lit, which is surprisingly open and refreshing for an autobiography. I've made a deal with myself that I can only buy one book for every book that I read that we already have. It's harder than it sounds. Same with DVDs. Aren't I turning responsible in my old age?
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