Thursday, November 29, 2007

Once A Month, Whether I Have Anything to Say Or Not

Actually, I was kinda sorta hoping to be a bit more regular than that, but heck, at the rate I'm going, once a month would be an improvement. Part of it is because I'm trying not to post at work (plus work has turned to the busy side). I'm not in trouble or anything, just figure it isn't the best idea in the world. And since I've started exercising in the evening again (some more), well, not a lot of time. Gah, I really gotta stop setting goals and all that. They take up way too much time. Lately, I've been trying to read 50 pages a day of a book and exercise nightly. Believe it or not, that takes a ton of time.

So ... what's new? Let's see ... hmm... the pool project is STILL ongoing. We're working on landscaping now. It's beginning to remind me of the movie "The Money Pit", but it really does look nice. That's why I'm exercising - I figure by the time the weather warms up, I'll look fabulous (or at least avoid having Greenpeace showing up trying to get me to stop beaching myself). The reading thing is in lieu of writing. I figure it's still kinda sorta almost like writing. It's um... research, yeah, that's it, research. Sad thing is I was really digging the last thing I was writing but I just can't seem to get motivated again. I think I'm going to try again after the holidays, when I have more time (right?).

Let's see, had teacher conferences. The older girl idolizes her teacher and the feeling is mutual, apparently. It's a bit on the sickening side, but good for her. I just have to watch my eye-rolling. The younger girl has a teacher that understands her, which is good. She said we should work on Katherine's stubbornness - but on the other hand, the teacher admitted she'd rather have someone with an opinion than a shrinking violet. Overall, I think they are doing pretty well.

Work has been picking up, which is good, I guess. Hey, only 20 years until retirement. Yay?

Christmas shopping is pretty much done - we convinced the kids to ask for pool toys, which we were going to have to buy anyway. Sneaky, but effective.

I think that's about it. Rest assured that even if I'm not as visible online, I am around.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

YAY! It's good to see a post. I understand about not blogging from work. I'm really trying not to do that too. It's just a good idea to keep stuff like this at home - if we can get to it.

CONGRATS on the goals for reading and exercising. I'm sure you're looking like a very sleek reader! =)

Sorry work has gotten a bit busier, but I totally understand how that goes.

Cool reports on your girls. It's good that the teachers seem to suit them... at least they don't HATE your kids and your kids don't hate the teachers. =)

Way to go (and good job on the SNEAKY) with the Christmas shopping... I'm trying, but it seems like every trip out puts me two trips behind - if that's possible.

Anywhoo... happy holidays. =)