Tuesday, October 30, 2007

*tap, tap* Is This Thing On?

Wow, haven't posted in nearly 2 months. I'm not sure anyone is still checking this, figuring I died or something, but ...

Let's see, what's happened the last couple of months? Well, got a pool (also known as the money pit), swam once for 30 minutes and got pneumonia. Yeah, that's right. The money pit pool caused my pneumonia (at least in my mind - here's hoping I get over that). I swam for 30 minutes on a Friday night and noticed I couldn't catch my breath. I didn't think much of it 'cause 1) I'm horridly out of shape and 2) It was damn cold. Next day, I do absolutely nothing. Seriously. Sat on a chair and felt miserable. By Sunday, I was measuring temperatures of 105 and figured it might be time to see the doctor. Monday, go to a doctor whom I will never visit again, and he says don't worry about it, there's some bug going around, I should be fine by Wednesday. Oh, and did I mention that he didn't think a 105 degree fever was worth medicine? Anyway, vegged out on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, still felt like crap. Got the hubby (who, did I mention also managed to get pneumonia) to take me for a chest x-ray (which I discovered is pretty useless with pneumonia 'cause it doesn't show up right away). Anyway, since the x-ray is clear, I'm figuring I should go back to work. Never mind I still feel like crap, hey, I've already wasted 3 vacation days and since the doctor said I should be feeling better, I should be feeling better, dammit. I lasted, oh about 3 hours on Thursday at work (pity anyone who got anything I did that morning) until I had to call hubby to take me home. Went to the doctor again on Friday (this time a different doc). Hey, guess what? Pneumonia. At least I finally go antibiotics. I went to work the next week, was only valuable for about half a day, but at least I didn't waste any more vacation. Last week was pretty much the same. It's only this week that I'm able to be coherent all day long. Fun stuff, eh?


Jynx said...

LOL... I'm sure you're less familiar with this place than _I_ am. Okay, not saying that I'm a stalker or anything, but I HAVE been checking this place at least once every other day or so for the past coupla months. I miss seeing things from you and chatting with you!

I don't get online time at work and my nights have been filled with so much EXTRA that I haven't been on but a bit in the late evenings or early mornings. But that's what I like about these places... at least a message can be posted and comments made and it's almost like chatting, right?

I'm so sorry to hear you've had pneumonia. I can't believe the first doc... UGH! And I can't believe you've been WORKING... DOUBLE UGH!

Here's hoping you're starting to feel better and that you make a full recovery soon.

It's good to see you out again... you've been missed! =)

RedZone said...

yay! for you being back, not the being sick part. that sucks ass. the doc didn't think that a temp of 105 was an issue? i don't know anything about medicine, but i know that's no good.

hope you start feeling better soon, and post more often! i've been checking in as well. i miss you guys.