Friday, May 09, 2008

The Prodigal Update

Wow, has it really been since November last year since I posted anything? Wow. Why would anyone still visit?

OK, so where am I? What am I? Why am I here? Where is here? *shakes head* Excuse me for a second ... ok, I'm back. Let's see, life in general? Feels a bit rut-ish, rut-like, or to put it another way, nothing's horrid, but I feel like I've been in a rut lately (shocking, eh?). I need to break free from the work-home-sleep pattern. I know I should be exercising, but I just don't feel like it. I recently came to the realization that I really don't like exercise. Nothing about it is really appealing to me. The best I can say about it is that old quote about classic novels - everyone wants to have read them (but nobody wants to read them). Yeah, I know, prolonging life and quality of life and all that, but I still don't like it. That's why I'm fits and starts girl. I get going for about a week and then ... well, let's just say I'm an expert at finding out ways to avoid it. Plus eating? I love. So, well, you know. I'm starting again (again again ...). Might even use this thing to measure progress (at least I'll have something to update). Let's just say right now, I'm at XX7.6 lbs, ok?

Let's see, what else? Girls are ok. I've been doing my best to geekify them - they both look forward to Fridays because they get to see the Sarah Jane Adventures. The younger girl finally started to read ... Fairie books. Have you ever seen the Rainbow fairies? They're very similar to the Weather faires ... and the Jewel Faires ... oh, and lest we forget the Pet Fairies. Stunningly, this group of writers have managed to write four 7-book series that vary only in title. Still, I have to say I have a grudging admiration for them in that they finally got my reluctant first grader to read (even if they do make me want to bang my head against the wall).

As for my tv viewing? Nothing normal. I'd like to get into Lost again, but I'm so woefully behind that DVDs are going to be my only option. I'm watching Supernatural pretty regularly (am I the only one who likes the Ruby character? Of course, I also prefer Sam to Dean, so I guess I'm a bit weird). Fridays on Sci Fi are my latest addiction - though I may give up Battlestar if they insist on making Baltar into Christ. Why do "creative" endeavors feel the need to abuse my faith? If they treated any other historical figure the way they do Christ (think MLK Jr, Mother Teresa, or someone like that), there'd be rioting in the street. But somehow it's ok because it's Jesus. Gimme a break.

Politics? I think I might be turning Republican. Since neither party is planning on doing what needs to be done (like, I dunno, investigate alternative fuels other than ethanol? Balance the budget? Provide true universal health care?), might as well vote my wallet. Yeah, there's a pretty big rant behind this, but I just don't have the energy.

OK, probably enough for one day. See ya in several months (or maybe next week).


Jynx said...

Woo hoo! Okay, this is exciting... a new entry! (And if it's anything, I come by here every day. =) )

I hear you on the losing weight battle. I'm one of the "fits and starts" girls too. Ugh, just ugh!!! I think that using this thing to measure progress is a good idea. Every step forward IS progress so even if it's just a little weight lost each week (or, at least, not gained), it's something, right? Good luck, and I'm going to come back to check on how things are going... mostly because I'll be going through it with ya!

Good job on the child-geekifying. I'm all for getting kids to read. So whatever it takes is good in my book!

I prefer Sam over Dean too... but sadly I don't know Ruby. I gave up on the show at the end of last year and have only watched a couple of episodes this season. Gotta say, that day when Dean kept dying over and over different ways WAS entertaining!

I'm always discouraged by the fact that people in entertainment overindulge in the Christ metaphor. I'm sure they consider it entertaining and compelling. But it irritates me too.

And I'm cracking up that you said you might be turning Republican because I'm considering - for the first time in ages - that I may need to vote Democrat this year just because there's no WAY I want a man who says he'll keep us in the war for 100+ years (or as long as it takes) in the Presidential position. He's such a tool. Of course, I'm not pleased with anyone right now so I'm not sure I should express much more. *shrug*

Okay, so I'm sure you've heard enough from me in this comment spot. Good luck this week and enjoy the ride! =)

hftr said...

Hey, thanks for keeping the faith. I'm eventually going to have to go to DVD for Supernatural (I just can't keep up on regular tv). I really liked this season and have been getting more and more into it the more I watch.