Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Why is it that when I'm bumming about something that I desperately want to do something that is bad for me? I mean some people when they start stressing can't eat - me? If it doesn't move, well, ...

But why do I think this is going to make me feel better? Usually it just makes things worse cause now I have the added bonus of having overeaten added to whatever was bugging me in the first place. And if it isn't eating, why do I suddenly have an urge to go shopping? Like that's really going to help. *sigh* I guess it's just the urge to do something about the situation. But why can't it be something like running a marathon? Ugh.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

LMAO! Okay... I'm not laughing AT you. I'm laughing WITH you!

The bf and I were having this discussion just today. He had a disappointing day - and his first reaction was to plan to go out and a) eat his favorite (over-proportioned and junk-food-y) meal and b) buy something frivolous and unnecessary.

I have those feelings often.

I'm sure it has something to do with controlling the situation in a favorable way.

Funny how "favorable" translates to being destructive in my mind!

Hang in there... it HAS to get better, right? *HUGS*