Thursday, July 26, 2007

Maria Full of Grace

Hey, finally off the Harry Potter posts for a day. I've started "Satanic Verses" - got it years ago for 50 cents to see what the fuss was about and am only getting around to reading it now. I'll let you know what I think once I get a bit further into it.

Finally saw the movie "Maria Full of Grace" last night - or should I say, I saw part of it. It's been on my Netflix list for forever, and I figured I either needed to watch it or remove it from the list. There really should be an expiration date for movies on your list. Anyways, I put it on the list because it was supposed to be "good"- which, technically, it was. The writing was realistic, the pacing well done, the acting good for the most part. It's just I can't figure out why anyone in their right mind would want to watch it. Maybe it was because I was in a bad mood anyway, but watching a girl make one bad decision after another isn't exactly entertaining. I know, I know, what do you expect in a movie about a drug mule, but it was just painful watching. It seems as though the more depressing a movie, the better the reviews. Anyway, the moral of the story is if you decide to become a drug mule, don't steal the drugs from the dealer. Gee, glad I had a movie to tell me that, huh?

1 comment:

Jynx said...

LMAO! Yes, it's a good thing you had a movie to tell you THAT one... you might not have figured it out otherwise! =P~

The movie sounds painful. I would have turned it off - or walked out - too. I have no problem not finishing something... especially if I don't like it. There's just so many other things you can do with your time, ya know?

I've never heard of "Satanic Verses"... sounds... interesting! Do come back and tell us what you think when you finish it!!!