Monday, June 18, 2007

Enough Already

Not a great weekend. Went on a 3.5 hour drive to my brother's house to celebrate the baptism of his daughters. Gee, let's see how that went. First, we didn't get the details on what was going on until 10pm on the night before the event. And that was because my mom didn't hear from them until about 9pm that night. That's right, he didn't bother to call me at all. What's worse is the fact that he didn't have enough respect for my mom to call her until he did. What a scumbag. Then after driving 3.5 hours to get there, I can count on one hand with a couple fingers left over the number of words he said to me and my family. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm kinda pissed. Right now, my feeling is that I won't be wasting time trying to visit again. I'd cut him off completely, but he has my first two season of Buffy on DVD that I want back.

Then at work, well, editing this because I gave too many details. Suffice to say it has to do with a lack of respect. Again. Some more.

Yes, I'm in a lovely mood today.


Jynx said...

Wow, man... harsh of your brother. And odd, considering it was HIS CHILD. You'd think he'd want EVERYONE to know. Sometimes family can be the least considerate! (And I had to crack up about the BtVS DVD's... you DEFINITELY want those back before any total non-communication happens!)

And, HEY! What's with the editing out a whole detailed thingy? Okay, granted, you might have put out there more than you wanted to. BUT if it was just because you didn't want to complain in front of us... puhleeze!!! =P~

So sorry you're having issues with lack of respect at work. That irks me to the nth!

And, if it's anything, we get to start over and try again tomorrow... hang in there! *HUGS*

hftr said...

He's been kind of a d'oh kind of guy lately. Hubby suggested we just have my mom out to our places for holidays so we con't have to deal anymore.

And the editing? Heh, well, I was kind of pissed yesterday and probably said some things I shouldn't have originally. Still not sure if I should be miffed or not, but I decided to let this one simmer.

Jynx said...

Ugh... sometimes brothers can BE "d'oh". Sad, but true. I hope he pulls out of it - for HIS sake. And I like your hubby's idea!

I can understand you wanting to let things simmer some. Of course, venting is always good too! =P~

Hey... only three more days until the weekend!!! =)