Friday, January 27, 2006

On Watching TV

I actually had planned to update long before now but had trouble getting into the system. Yeah, I know, terribly disappointing, ain't it?

Anyway, I've lost the chance to post a couple of good rants. One was on why does the Superbowl matter? I mean, really, it's not like I'm going to lose weight, win money, or get more friends if the Steelers win. Why is it so doggone important then? Why am I stressing out over whether they play well or not? How does it affect me personally? Why will it make a difference five seconds after the game ends? Yet here I am, reading any drivel I can about the game. The really sad thing is that I've managed to transfer my paranoia/strangeness/whatever to my younger daughter. She now knows that you have to lay on the couch in the direction the Steelers are heading. She knows that when the Steelers have the ball, you always point your index fingers (either for first down or touchdown) and when they are on defense, you fist your hands (the universal signal for 4th down). She knows that when the Steelers are either going for a touchdown or kicking a field goal, you put both hands in the air to signal the score (and, of course, when the other team is kicking a field goal, you make the no good signal). Who would have guessed that watching football required so much training?

I can't really remember much else I was planning to rant about other than Smallville last night: I mean, really, did anyone want Bo Duke to die instead of little Miss-All-About-Me? Raise your hand if you were relieved Lana lived? I thought so.


Jynx said...

Yeah, you DID miss some good opportunities to rant, didn't ya!?!

I haven't really been watching the new Smallville's... I've started watching them on ABC Family in syndication and I love them.

I surely hope you just didn't tell us that the DAD dies... and not Lana. Ugh... now how can I ever finish WATCHING??? =P~

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