Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Motivated? Ask Me How....Tomorrow

Haven't felt much like posting in here lately. Job's been a bit hectic. So how about them New Year's Resolutions? I'm so proud... exercised multiple times last week (4 times, I think) ... watched what I was eating ... and guess what? I lost a whopping .. oh, let me think ... carry the 1 ... Zero pounds. That right. Zip, nada, zippo. Color me impressed. I know, I know, I'm doing the right things, it'll come, it takes time ... rinse, lather, repeat. Look, I'm not ambitious on the best of days, so without some kind of instantaneous gratification, I'm headed for the chocolate. Heck, I'm halfway there the moment I get out of bed most days. Chocolate demands nothing. It doesn't make inflict repetitive motion injuries on myself in 45 minute doses (unless, of course, there's such a think as chocolate elbow ... you know, from dipping into the box repeated ... but I digress). It just sits there and tastes good. I don't have to force myself to eat chocolate and in some wacky scientific corners, it's almost a health food, right? Right.

I know, I know, rinse, lather, repeat. Grumble, grumble.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Heh... chocolate elbow? I think I've seen someone diagnosed with that before! =P~ I'm way proud of you for working out four days last week... AWESOME! Keep it up... there's muscle weight vs. regular lipids, etc. It'll pay off. If not, maybe you'll wear yourself out to the point that you'll be too tired to work on that chocolate elbow. =P~