Monday, October 17, 2005

I am getting dumber

And it's scaring me. It seems like more and more, I have conversations where I just can't seem to locate pertinent facts until much, much later. Case in point - this morning, I was talking about the King Tut exhibit that is touring the US. I really want to see it because it took the personal intervention of Egypt's president to get it out of the country. Who's that? No, no, no, that's the guy who was in charge when Camp David happened (another name I couldn't come up with over the weekend). Nasser... Begin? No, no, no, that was Israel. It took me a good 20 minutes to come up with Hosni Mubarak. No big deal you say? Just the latest in a long line of not being able to remember stuff, says I. I used to blame it on having kids, but now I'm convinced I'm just losing brain cells somehow. They must leak out of my ears when I sleep. The sad thing is that I don't really forget stuff, I just remember it out of order. Know where Sadat came from? I was talking to my husband about Jimmy Carter on Friday and I couldn't remember the leaders involved in the Camp David Peace Accords. I finally come up with the answer today - when I'm trying to remember the current President. Ay-yi-yi-yi. Should I start saving for my room at the home yet?


Jynx said...

Nah, don't start saving yet... or, erm, mebbe you should - and save for me too, okay?

I hate how this happens. My grandpa warned me that sort of thing happened and I didn't believe him. Until it happened to me, that is.

Hey, if it's anything I think there are more of us out there. It's sorta like we need a "degrag" on our heads. Something to put all of the files back together and in place so we can access them better, no?

Jynx said...

UGH! that "deGrag" should have been "deFrag" - as in "defragmentation"... it really IS a Monday, isn't it? *sigh*

hftr said...

Heh. Glad you clarified. And yes, I hope that's it. Just seems like I can never find the information I'm looking for until 20 minutes later anymore.

Anonymous said...

At least things don't hit you at three am! I'll just be dropping off to sleep and then I'll remember what it is that's been bugging me for the past x number of hours.

For me it's like the information is stored behind a high wall in my head. I know it; I know I know it, and I know that if only I could find a way to get to the other side of the wall then everything would fall into place!!!