Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What is success?

OK, Jynx suggested that I make a list of things that would make me feel successful. I'd like to say that being faithful to the whole Micah 6:8 "do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God" is enough to make me feel successful, but I'd be lying. While I know it's supposed to be what we aim for, it just feels like words. Nice words, but kind of hollow and shapeless all the same. So what do I want? I want to feel successful at work. I want someone to say "Good job" once in awhile. Yeah, I know I'm looking for validation from external sources which isn't exactly the most mentally stable thing to do, but if I'm being honest, that is what I want. I want to be able to come into work without worrying about the next layoff. I want to have a firm grasp of what is expected of me. I want to go home and have enough energy to enjoy my family, to be involved and loving to my family. I want to have the inclination to actually do something special for the family. I want to be able to accomplish stuff in the evening ... scrapbooking, writing, reading, cleaning, gardening, whatever. I want to go to bed feeling confident that I did everything I could that day. Oh, and I want a pony and a winning lottery ticket and a body like Angela Jolie. That's not too much to ask, is it?


Jynx said...

Heh... no, not too much to ask at all. =P~ Hey, at least you're making a list. One thing to consider is to get another job. I mean, keep working at the one you have now, but start updating your resume, looking at MONSTER.com and start checking out interesting things. I really think you sound most unhappy at work - which then affects the rest of your life and deters you from being able to accomplish what you want to accomplish. (The reason why I say that is that the majority of your blog today is about the icky work thing.)

Maybe you can find something else out there that makes you happy, requires less "work" so that you have more energy, and that offers you the satisfaction - and someone telling you how satisfied you should be - to be able to say you're "happy".

I'm sure the body of Angelina Jolie and the pony could easily follow... =)

hftr said...

Yeah, can't decide whether it's fear or laziness that keeps me here. I'm going with fear - the job pays well. I like being paid well, crass as that may sound. Add to that I'm not sure I'd enjoy doing anything from a work perspective ... well, better the devil you know, ya know? (I know, I know, the devil you know is still the devil.)

Jynx said...

I understand that Devil debate. HOWEVER, with your skill set and all that goes with it, my guess is that you could actually find the good pay in other places as well.

Fear, schmear... what does it hurt to just look around and SEE what's out there? Remember, you can even interview with potentials. If they don't meet your $$$ standards - or other requirements - then you can always decline. =)

I'd like to see you happy... giddy even. Good luck!

RedZone said...

that sounds like a perfectly understandable list of things to want from life. even the pony! it looks like a lot of what you want might come from a new job, like Jynx suggested. worth a shot, right?