Friday, July 29, 2005

Quick, Alert the Media...

I'm actually feeling pretty laid back - and dare I say happy - today. Maybe it's just because it's Friday. Maybe it's because some projects that I've been backing are suddenly getting funded. Don't know and don't care. I'm just happy that I don't feel like I'm being pelted with pointed sticks. OK, yeah, so it's early - early enough for things to change. I don't care. I'm going to go with this feeling for a change. It's an odd one for me of late.

Which leads to the question of why is being happy an odd feeling? I mean, really, life is pretty good. No money worries, two sweet children, loving husband ... no pony or Angela Jolie body yet, but I'm working on it. So why do I so often choose to dwell on the negative? It's almost like I'm afraid not to, that if I allow myself to go with the flow, G-d will smite me or something (or maybe that's just hatgirl). How silly is that? It's like the old, warped view of Puritans that they stay up at night worrying that someone, somewhere might possibly be happy. I don't want to dwell on the negative - or at least I don't think I do. Maybe it's my fear of my own innate laziness, that if I don't apply constant pressure, I will become the lady on the couch eating bon-bons and watching Jerry Springer (speaking of which, is Jerry still on the air). All I know is it's times like this that I really miss bike riding. Used to be when I'd tense out, I'd go for a couple hour ride and at the end, my mind would be clear. Somehow machines in the basement don't give me the same kind of rush. Oh well, I guess I should cheer up. Maybe in another ten years one of the girls will go biking with me. Of course, by then, I'll probably be back on training wheels or something.


Jynx said...

Mmmm... bon bons! =P~ Yes, I think Jerry is still on the air (though I can't understand HOW). And I'm glad for you to be happy today. Friday's are nifty like that. Go with the good and ignore the rest (it'll all try to come back next week, I'm sure). =)

Donald Francis said...

Hey, Paula! Rock on, girl! You should be positive, and I'm glad to hear that you're in a good space on a Friday (rain be damned, it's still Friday).

hftr said...

It's raining? Haven't looked outside recently.

But yeah, it was so good, that I actually edited some of the book that shall not be named. I'm figuring I should have a completed thingie by the beginning of Sept. (I know, I know, optimistic much?)

Jynx said...

EXCELLENT, Paula! Wow, I'm way proud of you! =)

And I'm not a professional writer... but are you sure it's called a "completed thingie"??? =P~ *eg*

Happy weekending! =)

hftr said...

Only in the most professional of circles. *Insert upper cruse sniff here*

hftr said...

Gah! Make that "crust" not "cruse".