Friday, October 10, 2008

Love, Honor and Obey a TV Show???

Side note: Have I really not written anything since June?!?! How sad is that? Wait, don't answer.

Anyways, I've been going through some DVDs of old television shows lately and got to thinking about my weird relationships with some shows. I have, for lack of a better term, an unusual sense of loyalty. For example, I wouldn't watch Alias when it first came on the air because it seemed like it would be unfaithful to Buffy. Hear me out. Buffy was THE kick-arse female hero of the era and along came this red-headed bimbo (remember, I didn't watch the show at this point and had only seen the commercials) who was on a real station and trying to act all bad-ass. She was obviously trying to steal Buffy's thunder and I just wasn't going to have it. So no way I'm watching Alias. Of course, I did eventually try the show after Buffy was off the air, bought all the DVDs and became almost as addicted to Alias -but that's beside the point. Then, when Buffy went off the air, I wouldn't watch Veronica Mars at first because, again, trying to rip off Buffy. After I got over that and became addicted to Veronica Mars, I wouldn't watch Lost because Lost was opposite Veronica and it seemed disloyal (no, I'm not a Neilson family, why do you ask?).

I always seem to develop this attachment to the shows I watch. I don't know why. It's not like the show "cares" whether I'm being faithful or even knows what faithful means. But still, I just can't bring myself to watch certain shows right away. The ironic thing is that the shows I won't watch usually end up being my favorites later - another case in point, Supernatural. It seemed like I was being unfaithful to Charmed (yeah, the show was campy, so what? It was still one of MY shows). Now, I have the same unhealthy dedication to Supernatural. The only good thing about all this is that I don't like a lot of shows, so I can keep my addictions pretty well hidden ... unless, of course, you look through my DVD collection.


Beck said...

Haha! I'm exactly the same. I've missed out on many a show for the simple fact that it feels like 'cheating'. I haven't watched a single episode of House because it air opposite one of my favourites, even though I own, and am aware of how to operate, a vcr. Same with this new Fringe business, but that has Pacey *swoon* in it, so I'll have to catch up there somehow.

(Nice to see you around, btw :) )

Jynx said...

YAY! I'm thrilled to see you posting again! I'm always interested in what you have to say because I think you have a unique and enlightened perspective of most things.

As for loving, honoring and obeying a TV show? I don't tend to do that... but I can appreciate the sentiment. I DID feel that way when ANGEL the series came on because I felt like they were taking Angel from BtVS and it was "stealing" from my show. Hmmm... go figure. =P~