Friday, January 05, 2007

In Praise of Micromovements

Well, I actually managed to accomplish my three task for yesterday and feel pretty good about myself. It's funny, I'm the queen of list making - I usually have a list about six pages long of things I should be doing. Which usually means I don't do anything because I'm overwhelmed by the list. It's kind of like Rimmer on Red Dwarf who spent so much time planning his study time that he never actually got around to studying. That's what's so great about micromovements. Anybody can find 5 minutes in their schedule. You can actually accomplish something and mark it off the list. It's amazing how good it feels to say you did what you said you were going to do. So, today's list? I'm going for another page of editing, another counter in the bathroom, and getting out paper and pencils to draw if I so choose. Baby steps, right?


Jynx said...

YAY, you! I'm a list maker too and I know the satisfaction that comes from checking things off of it!

I'm so happy that the micromovements are helping you feel "fulfilled" in some things.

Paper and pencils... drawing. Great baby steps if you're looking to be creative. Can't wait to see where that leads you. =)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.