Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Do I lead what might possibly be the most boring life? Not that I mind. I'm actually kind of partial to boring. Anyway, trying to figure out what I'm going to do that is creative this year. Part of me figures I should start writing again. Then again, another part of me figures I should edit the book I've already written and see if I can make anything of it. Of course, being a first novel it probably sucks, but hey, I read lots of stuff that sucks. That doesn't seem to stop anyone else. I've also toyed with drawing. Not that I have any talent for it, but I figure it takes less time than writing and I have no where to go but up. While being a competent but not great writer can only lead to frustration, going into something where I know that I don't have talent can only lead to improvement, from truly dreadful to sometimes, if I look at it, it can be not bad. OK, is this some of the most bizarre logic you've ever heard or what?

As for other goals, I didn't exercise last night. I did read. Learned that Salmon Chase was an egotistical jerk, and that basically Lincoln outmanuevered his rivals by being a better politician than they were. His rallying cry? I'm number 2. Hey, it worked. Kind of. If you don't count that assassination thing, that is.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Holy cow! Change in scenery, batman! At first glance, I thought I had clicked on someone else's blog link... woah! I like the change. (Speaking of creativity! =) )

As I've told you before, I LIKE your written work. I think you should edit what you've written and see where it goes. (And you're too funny about reading lots of stuff that "sucks"... you're right, it hasn't stopped others.) =P~

Bizaree logic? Yes. Also healthy, in a way! *Write, write, write* (That's my chant - you know, it just doesn't translate as well in writing.) And remember... I'd love to read your work when you're at a point where you're comfortable sharing. =)

Keep up the goal work!