Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hee! I look 37!

Had a doctor's appointment today. The highlight was when the doctor said he thought I was only 37. How sad is it that that kind of made my day? Never thought I'd see the day that having someone think you were 37 was a good thing. Hee.

Been feeling older and older lately. Watching the Olympics does that to me. It's all that "poor Michelle Kwan, not as young as she used to be, 25" thing that bugs. Not to mention the whole snowboarding thing, which I do NOT get. It's like they're speaking a foreign language. And anyone, it's kind of hard to take something serious as a sport when all the competitors look like they use the word "dude" regularly - without any intended irony. Call me old-fashioned, but I want my sports a little more cut and dry than "Whoa, did you see that [insert some phrase that I have no clue as to what it means]?" The guy who goes the fastest wins. Easy. Right? Anything else, no matter how pretty, isn't a sport.

That goes for the whole figure skating thing too. Not a sport. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's physically straining. But then again, so is gardening and it's not an Olympic event. But seriously, dancing is also physically straining - not the point. When someone just decides who is the winner, it ceases to be a sport. Just look at the latest Superbowl. Oops, was that outloud voice again?


Jynx said...

Heh... congrats on looking 37! I totally understand that "feeling older" thing you're feeling!

Funny you should comment about the Olympics. The Watcher did in his blog yesterday and it was cracking me up. He's right... "did you see that fakey, fakey 540?" just sounds made up. =P~

hftr said...

I read his blog right after I nearly turned off the tv because of the silly announcers who sounded like they were from another planet. I totally agree with him on this one. Looks like we're all getting old and crotchety.

Jynx said...

LOL! Classic. Sadly, I'm thinking it's going to get worse and worse. As it is, some of my friends' kids throw me a "what's that mean?" or "who is THAT?" when I'm talking about something from our generation even now. *sigh* I'm finally starting to understand how my folks feel!!!