Monday, February 06, 2006

Go Team?

I know I'm supposed to be jubilant today, but somehow, I can't muster any enthusiasm. I mean, sure, the Steelers won, and yeah, I'd rather they won than didn't, but still ... well, quite honestly the game stunk. The officiating was not great and it kind of took some of the shine off the game. I wanted to see the teams play their best ball and what we got was this yawn-fest, where Pittsburgh couldn't move the ball to save their lives, Seattle couldn't finish off anything, and the officials often seemed out there in la-la land. It was one of the most boring games I've ever seen. If I hadn't had a rooting interest, I probably wouldn't have watched it. A very unsatisfying conclusion to a fairly satisfying season.

As for other stuff, I'm still not losing weight, which is frustrating. I mean, if I'm not going to lose anything anyway, why not just be a pig, eat what I want and stop the insane exercise thing? It's not like I LIKE exercising anyway. Being 40 sucks.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Sorry you're so frustrated. I can't say much about the football game. I didn't have much invested in either team so I tuned in occasionally just to see the score and catch the occasional commercial. Gah for you and the stinky game!

I can commisurate with the other stuff. Sometimes I wonder about the eating like a pig and stopping the insane exercise... and I'm not quite 40!

Hang in there...