Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Nothing to see, move along ...

I'm having one of those not much to say periods, which begs the question why am I talking about the fact that I have nothing to talk about. It's just that things seem to have settled into a comfortable rut. I get up. I go to work. I duck as much as I can. I go home and do family things. I try to write. I try to exercise. Lots of trying, but I'm not sure of the value.

Gah. Another entry in depression 'r us. I'm sick of it. I'm really not that bummed out. I think I'm just an antisocial person who's forced to be much more social than I want to be. Wait, that's not it. I'm an antisocial person who craves person contact but doesn't like the work it takes to maintain the relationships? Yeah, that's better (in a not sort of way). I'd like to be outgoing, honest. It just takes so much darn work.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

There's always tons to see... it just depends on what you choose to share!

I mean, we all use our blogs for different things: Don and his ladies generally do entries related to their writing progress, hatgirl usually goes with the verbs she does in a day, BF and I tends to write the emotionally based stuff - good and bad, experiences and memories.

What about sharing more about your girls or hubby? Not that it would matter, because in the end, you're the ostrich and we lurve you for it!