Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thirteen for Thursday

OK, apparently you're supposed to make a list of 13 related things on a Thursday (or so I've read in other Blogs). Since I'm on the lazy side, I figured why not? Lists are easier, right (somehow, I think I'm going to regret those words). So anyway, being a DVD addict, I figured I'd list the last 13 things I watched on DVD or DVR (hey, I sometimes DO actually watch what I record). So without further ado, here's my Thirteen:

1-5. Grosse Pointe's first five episodes - this show is almost a must-watch for anyone who lived through the 90210 years on television. It's a farce about what went on behind the scenes. From the bitch-on-wheels Hunter (who, it turned out, was bitchy because she was hungry) to the pervy dad to the bald heart throb, this one never failed to go for the jugular (so much so that it never made it through a full season). At first, I couldn't decide whether it was too nasty or not, but I have to say when I got to the Halloween episode where they were ripping off Buffy, I was hooked.
6-9. Bones' first four episodes - What can I say? My mom was visiting, and it was about the only show we had in common. I bought it because of David Boreanaz and because it was cheap. DB is still great looking (actually, I have to say he's better looking than when he was on Angel), but the show? Well, I wanted to like it, but not so much. I don't usually watch procedurals so it kind of felt like I was watching the same show 4 times in a row. Maybe they aren't so bad spaced out, but there's no character development, and it just feels like deja vu every week.
10. Veronica Mars episode with Paul Rudd - hate to say it, but I'm kind of glad the show is going off the air. It took me awhile to get into the show, but once I did, I thought it was the 2nd coming of Buffy. But each year the writing seemed to falter just a bit more. And each year, they featured the characters I liked less and less. Hey, maybe it's more like Buffy than I thought.
11-13. Supernatural - couple of non-descript episodes from Season 2 and the end of season 1. Leopards don't change their spots. I think this is my new must-see show. I like the interaction between the brothers (the fact that they are very nice to look at doesn't hurt). I like that they don't take themselves too seriously, but still manage to bring the scary. Very glad that I'll have another season to see the brothers Winchester. And was I the only one who liked their dad?

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Wow, are you BUSY! I'm jealous about Broadway and NY. I haven't ever been there for vacay, but maybe one day!

I love the 13, I guess I should do one of those too... when possible. Of all of those, I can agree with Supernatural the most. I never saw Grosse Pointe and I never really gained interest in VM.

I just keep hoping for something good to come on TV that is going to sweep me away!

Keep on BLOGGIN'!!! =)