Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Soccer Practice

Well, we've started our 4 night a week soccer practice schedule. Feel my joy. Tonight is my younger daughter's first practice, which should be interesting. She's not the most disciplined of children. It's not that she's bad or doesn't listen, it's just that she doesn't look like she's listening. Her coach was her older sister's coach this past spring, so at least the coach is familiar with Katie. In a warped sort of way, I'm really looking forward to this. Her sister is very smart, but not very athletic, which meant that she knew how to position herself, but wasn't really fast enough to make a difference in the game. Katie loves to run. I want to see if she can combine some of her sister's smarts with a bit of her athleticism. The only question is how Katie's smarts manifest themselves. You see, she's not exactly conventional smart. She's the kid who when asked to name something small, answered "Microbe", but doesn't want to take the time to learn to read (her sister was reading chapter books by the time she was Katie's age). It's not that she can't, she's just not patient enough to do it right now. I wonder how all of this will manifest itself in an organized sport.

Oh, and one final thing: I don't know how other parents do it, in terms of having their kids involved in multiple activities. I mean, we're just doing soccer this fall, and I feel like we're barely keeping up. Can't imagine what it'll be like once school starts.

1 comment:

Jynx said...

That WILL be interesting... to see how she does with an organized sport.

It sounds like your girls complete each other - or, to look at it differently, they're nothing alike. =P~ That's probably good because it's hard to always be compared to a sibling by people in your community, etc. (I didn't have a sister for that sort of thing at home, but I had friends who did and HATED it.)

My hat DEFINITELY goes off to you for doing the extracurriculars with more than one child... I've said it before, but I don't know HOW parents of more than 1 child do it all... it really IS amazing!!!