Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm really tired and depressed today and in the mood to have a pity party. I hate when I feel like this, but once I get into this mode, it's really hard to get out of it. I'm tired of the same issues that come up over and over and over again at work. I'm tired of fighting the same battles. I'm tired of not being good at anything. (I am the queen of adequate - just once I'd like to be good. I used to be good at stuff. I'm just not sure what's happened.) I'm tired of being fat (and please, no helpful hints about how to lose weight - 1) I've seen them all before ... 2) I've done them all before .... 3) I've lost about 20 lbs and still have a ton to go) See, I told you this was going to be a pity me thing. Anybody have any chocolate?

And yeah, I'd regret it if you did offer me chocolate. I'm pretty sure this is just a PMS thing, but it isn't very pretty.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rush, Rush, Rush

Why does everything always seem like such a rush? It just seems like I don't think anymore, I just react. Get up, get ready, get the kids ready, rush to work, rush to pick up the kids, quick stop through McD's drive-thru (because we are nothing if not health conscious), rush to soccer practice, hurry home to get the kids a shower and into bed so that I can run downstairs and exercise in time to go to bed myself. Yeah, it's quite an exciting life. Whatever happened to all those hours doing ... nothing. Or reading because it was something to do? Now I have to make an effort to read a book (otherwise my reading drops to what I get done in the bathroom while I blow-dry my hair in the morning). How on earth did I ever use to ride bike for hours and still get to bed by 8pm, if I wanted to? And what happens when this merry-go-round stops? Will I suddenly not know what to do with myself?

Oh, and in case you are interested, Katie had fun at soccer. I don't see a World Cup appearance in her future, and I hope she acts slightly less ADD-like the next time, but at least she had fun.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Soccer Practice

Well, we've started our 4 night a week soccer practice schedule. Feel my joy. Tonight is my younger daughter's first practice, which should be interesting. She's not the most disciplined of children. It's not that she's bad or doesn't listen, it's just that she doesn't look like she's listening. Her coach was her older sister's coach this past spring, so at least the coach is familiar with Katie. In a warped sort of way, I'm really looking forward to this. Her sister is very smart, but not very athletic, which meant that she knew how to position herself, but wasn't really fast enough to make a difference in the game. Katie loves to run. I want to see if she can combine some of her sister's smarts with a bit of her athleticism. The only question is how Katie's smarts manifest themselves. You see, she's not exactly conventional smart. She's the kid who when asked to name something small, answered "Microbe", but doesn't want to take the time to learn to read (her sister was reading chapter books by the time she was Katie's age). It's not that she can't, she's just not patient enough to do it right now. I wonder how all of this will manifest itself in an organized sport.

Oh, and one final thing: I don't know how other parents do it, in terms of having their kids involved in multiple activities. I mean, we're just doing soccer this fall, and I feel like we're barely keeping up. Can't imagine what it'll be like once school starts.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sorry for the lack of bloggage, it's just that nothing too profound has been going on lately. I know, I know, what's the diff? *ahem* So anyway, I'm suffering through a summer cold. I think I hate colds worse than any other affliction, mainly because they aren't bad enough to make you go to bed, just bad enough that you feel kind of lousy. If you have the flu or something, people can tell you're sick. You go to bed for a couple of days and ta-da, you feel better. A cold is the gift that keeps on giving (and giving and giving). Not only that, but it's gross. You're all mucousy and you can't seem to blow enough of it out so you snort. Yeah, real attractive.

So what else is going on? Not much. School starts in a couple of weeks. Yay. I really love the commercials Staples used to have where the parents are dancing around the store to "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Though I have to admit, kinda makes you wonder why you have kids in the first place if you're anxious to get rid of them. I don't think it's really that you want rid of them. I think it's more that you want to get back on a schedule of some sort. School is great for that. Afterschool activities, not so much. Both girls are doing soccer this year. Which means rather than losing 2 nights a week to practice, we lose 4 nights. That's right, instead of both girls having practice on the same night which would have been difficult logistically, but better for sheduling, they have them on off nights. Which means until soccer season is over, we have Mon-Thurs practices and Saturday games. Oi. When's Christmas?