Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Can we cancel Mother's Day? Please?

Just went out to do that most dreaded task, look for Mother's Day cards. I don't know why I make this so hard. Why not just grab the first non-nauseating card and run? But therein lies the problem: finding a card that isn't a cliche, says something, but doesn't make you want to hurl.

Not only do the darn things cost more than a lot of books, but they tend to fall into a couple of categories. The cliche cards are annoying because they tend to fall under the "humor" category. Their humor reminds me of listening to my 7-year old tell jokes. They may have been mildly amusing the first seven or eight times, but its hard to generate any enthusiasm after you hear/read them a dozen or more times. Most of these play on the "I'm such a wonderful kit, you did a great job" theme and have some innocuous cartoon character on them (I'm looking at you, Snoopy). Yawn.

The second category are what I call the "I don't know you well enough so I'll send flowers" category. They usually have some showy bouquet of flowers (with optional sparklies sprinkled on top) and have all the warmth of a form letter. It's like you can almost see the "insert your mother's name here" marking on the card.

The worst, though, are the mushy, how-can-I-live-without-you cards. They are the ones that basically indicate that I couldn't figure out how to get out of bed without you mother, oh, how we've grown closer and closer over the years, you're the most important person in my life. Barf. Hello, I'm over 40. I'd hope that I might have figured out how to walk and chew gum at the same time. And I hate to break it to you, but I'm married with a family of my own. If my mom is still the most important thing in my life, there's something terribly wrong with my marriage.

Gah. I hate invented holidays.


Jynx said...

LOL! First off, I've gotta say that I've been missing you (both here and at the Bronze)... it looks like you've been busy lately.

Next, I FULLY agree! I had the same experience when I went to find my mom a card this year. I go for the ones like "I would have never survived without you" because it's a boost for my mom so she feels important because she often says she's a failure.

I'd really just prefer to call her - just like I do every OTHER weekend - and let her know how much I love her.

Oh, and she expects flowers. Sooo... yeup, you guessed it, not only do I have to pick out a card, but then I have to try to figure out what kind of FLOWERS to send her - that "say" something and that aren't a duplicate of what I've sent in the past few years...

I wonder how many of us out there feel this way? Regardless, again, you have someone else in the same boat with ya, if that helps in the slightest! =P~

hftr said...

Yeah, work-life has been kind of sucky of late. And I HATE flowers. The only thing worse is the expected visit. Um, did anyone ever tell you that Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year on the road. Yeah, I want to be driving in that mess.

Jynx said...

Ugh. Sorry about work!

I love getting flowers... the good smelling kind. But I don't get them often enough so I guess I'm not in loathe yet.

I DIDN'T know that it was the busiest day on the road... why can't we honor our mom's by just putting them on one big registry for one big website/postcard each year? =P~