Monday, November 28, 2005

The Typhoid Mary of Television

What's the worst thing that can happen to a show you like? I'm beginning to think it's having me watch it. I am death to a tv show - pretty much everything I've liked either hovers in the edge of existinction (Veronica Mars anyone?) or gets cancelled after a couple of shows (Let's see, Firefly, Miracles, and [even though it wasn't that good] Threshold). Is my taste really that bizzarre? I used to think I was great at discovering future cult classics - I mean, I watched X-Files from day one, Xena from day one, Buffy from day one ... you get the picture. Now I just think my taste is weird.

What's even worse is when I pick up a show that's been on for awhile - you guessed, DOA. I'm talking Farscape and now Alias. Yeah, maybe Alias had seen better days, but it kind of reduces me to one show that I tape. Yes, one (the previously mentioned Veronica Mars). So beware. If you really like a show, don't tell me ... at least until it's already cancelled and available on DVD (yay DVDs).


Jynx said...

Ugh... yeah, I heard about the Alias thing. As much as I hate to admit it, it was lacking and has been for the past couple of years. Bummer really. It was a good show! (Though, I had heard rumors that Jen Garner was going to quit after this year anyway to be with the baby.)

I hesitate in doing this but... have you seen Supernatural yet? =P~ It's worth the look-see AND it's been picked up for the full season and is looking to be for all of next year too. Just a thought. =)

(See, if I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have mentioned my show. Now, if it goes belly-up, THEN we'll know not to ever share again... =P~)

hftr said...

Heh. I keep meaning to try it. Now that I am down to minimal taping, I guess I should try. How sad is it that the biggest holdup is just tryint to remember to change the DVR?

Jynx said...

LOL!!! Well, I'm not sure, but I think they'll start reruns soon now for a bit... may be a good time to catch up.

I need a DVR...

Donald Francis said...

I think you should watch "Survivor". And "Desperate Housewives." And "How I Met Your Mother."

Because those shows have to DIE!!!

hftr said...

*snerk* How about Lost and Ghost Whisperererer and pretty much any "comedy" on network television that stars a fat guy and his impossibly beautiful wife?